How To Know When You're Getting A Good Deal On A Mortgage

My name is George Maxwell and I have something surprising to tell you. I know it may seem contradictory, but it is possible to become significantly richer while still earning the same income. There are all sorts of tricks that I have learned over the years while being on a fixed income and I have been able to increase my savings by 50%. I see many others struggling financially and I feel like it is my duty to help them in the best way I can by providing advice on money so that I can help others feel richer and more financially secure, even if they cannot raise their incomes.

How To Know When You're Getting A Good Deal On A Mortgage

How To Know When You're Getting A Good Deal On A Mortgage

29 May 2018
Finance & Money, Blog

Everybody likes a good deal. This is why it can be very infuriating to find out that you paid over the odds for any purchase. Although this might be slightly annoying if you're talking about a simple one-time purchase, in the case of a house, it could leave you on the hook for many more years.

It's not always easy to tell whether the terms of your home loan are fair or not since every house is not the same and everybody's financial situation is also quite different. However, there are still a few ways that you can find out whether your mortgage deal is as good as it seems.

Find Out What Other Lenders Are Willing to Offer

Don't stop at the first lender you visit. There are many lenders available in the market. Take the time to visit these other lenders and find out what terms they're willing to offer you. Home loan lenders typically look at the same data. If one is giving you a deal that's a little out of touch with what other lenders are offering, it will be advisable to check the fine print. There may be a clause hidden within that doesn't favor you.

Check the APRC

A loan may have favorable terms within the first few years only for things to get a little rough for the remaining term of the loan. There are also cases where a loan may have low rates but very high fees. The end result of both of these cases is that you may end up paying much more than you initially thought.

The APRC or Annual Percentage Rate of Charge is something that you can now see on home loan adverts, and this lets you know exactly what rate you'll be paying your loan at if you're to keep paying it for the entire term. This gives you a more realistic view of what you initially thought of as a good deal.

Use Online Tools

Don't limit yourself to lenders that you can physically access. You can use online tools to compare the rates of different lenders to see whether your terms are indeed favorable. There are various tools that you can use to this effect.

One of the best advantages of doing this is that you may find other lenders that you may not have been aware of, e.g., a smaller local bank, who are offering even better terms than your other options. For more information, contact a company like Rio Grande Credit Union.

About Me
Become Richer With The Same Income

My name is George Maxwell and I have something surprising to tell you. I know it may seem contradictory, but it is possible to become significantly richer while still earning the same income. There are all sorts of tricks that I have learned over the years while being on a fixed income and I have been able to increase my savings by 50%. I see many others struggling financially and I feel like it is my duty to help them in the best way I can by providing advice on money so that I can help others feel richer and more financially secure, even if they cannot raise their incomes.
